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Aroma of the Month for December – Frankincense and Myrrh Oils

December 05th, 2016



It’s nearly Christmas and this month I’ve chosen two aromas of the month, Frankincense and Myrrh. Both are wonderful oils, especially for this time of year. Merry Christmas xx

Frankincense – Comforter of Sorrow, Spiritual Healing & Support.

Frankincense is excellent for grief, loss, and letting go. It is best known for its enduring emotional and spiritual support. A fortifying essence to the mind and emotions, Frankincense oil slows and deepens cellular respiration and has the characteristic effect of comforting and centering you during times of distress. Frankincense is also helpful for overcoming and dispelling fear and taking action, and is beneficial for releasing negative mental and emotional states such as low self-esteem, lack of confidence, insecurity and anxiety. The quintessential oil for letting go and allowing whatever happens to be okay, use Frankincense essential oil to promote your spiritual awakening and to enhance your meditation practice.

Myrrh – Soothing & Restorative Tonic

Traditionally Myrrh oil has been used for enhancing spiritual and emotional well being. It is an excellent aid to healthy functioning of the limbic (emotional center) of your brain. Myrrh oil wakes up cell tissues and enhances the physical energetic centers of the body. Its vibrant and resonant effect on cell tissues makes Myrrh oil a wonderful tonic for your body, mind and emotions.

Victoria Lily Reflexology


If you’d like to know more about Aromatherapy at the Centre visit our page here or call 01394 388234.

To find out more about Victoria Lily visit her page here.


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