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Aromatherapy Oil of the Month July – Lemon

July 05th, 2017

Lemon Essential Oil


Lemon Oil is a wonderful zingy summery fragrance.  Lemon is well known for its ability to cleanse toxins from the body and is used to help clear skin and purify the body. It can also be used as an insect and bug repellent.

Lemon oil is really good to have in the household and it’s not expensive either.  It can be used as a teeth whitener, laundry freshener, cellulite cream, a face wash and a household cleaner.

According to the Ayurvedic way of practicing, lemon oil has been used to treat many symptoms for at least 1000 years and it’s health benefits have been established scientifically, which is always good to know.

Some of the uses of lemon oil are:

Oral remedy for bad breath
Thirst quencher
Remedy for abdominal colic pain
Cough relief
Calms stomach and relieves nausea
Improves digestion



If you’d like to know more about Aromatherapy at the Centre visit our page here or call 01394 388234.

To find out more about Victoria Lily visit her page here.

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