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Aromatherapy Oil of the Month June – Camphor

June 12th, 2017

Camphor Essential OIL


Camphor Oil is one of those unsung heroes.  It is so good for pain relief, aching muscles and inflammation and has a warming and cooling feeling all at the same time. It is known as a stimulant, antiseptic, decongestant, sedative and nervous pacifier. It benefits the activity of the circulatory system, metabolism, digestion and consequently the excretion from the body. I believe it’s also good for putting in your wardrobe to ward off those pesky moths.


When travelling, camphor oil can be safely added to drinking water to disinfect it, especially during the summer and in rainy seasons when infection of water is greater.  An open bottle of camphor oil or putting some on a cloth drives away insects and kills germs.  When put into the bath, camphor oil disinfects the whole body externally and can kill lice or other parasites or bugs that maybe on your body.


So grab yourself a bottle of camphor and sing the praises of this unsung hero.  Happy June.



If you’d like to know more about Aromatherapy at the Centre visit our page here or call 01394 388234.

To find out more about Victoria Lily visit her page here.


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