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Recipe of the Month – October – Bramley Burnt Creams

October 16th, 2017

Bramley Burnt Creams (Serves 6-8)

By Hugh Fearnley-whittingstall

(Chosen by our Nutritionist, Nicky Seabrook)


I know that there are a multitude of delicious recipes out there using cooking apples- and I’m sure you have your favourite. This one caught my eye however, because it looks lighter than most and perhaps more manageable than some after a big Sunday roast!


1 kilo of Bramley apples

Caster sugar

330ml double cream

Soft brown sugar


Peel, core and slice the apples, then cook them over a gentle heat with a shake of caster sugar and just a dribble of water to prevent them burning.

Simmer gently, stirring occasionally, until you have a thick, slightly translucent puree. Add more caster sugar to taste – enough that it is still tart, but not unpleasantly so. Leave to cool and divide between 6 -8 ramekins or other small heat proof dishes, leaving a generous centimetre at the top, then chill thoroughly in the fridge.

Whip the cream until very thick, then spread it over the chilled apple puree, covering it completely and levelling the cream across the top of the ramekins.

Return to the fridge, or even briefly to the freezer, until the cream is thoroughly cold but not frozen ( this chilling allows you to burn the sugar without boiling the cream)

Preheat a grill to maximum. Sprinkle a thin layer of brown sugar over the cream and place the ramekins under the hot grill until the sugar begins to melt and bubble. The cream underneath may start to bubble up but don’t worry if this happens. It may look a bit rough but it will still taste divine. (Those adept with a blowtorch in the kitchen can use this to melt the sugar)

Return the ramekins to the fridge until they are quite cold. They are now ready to serve with teaspoons to crack through the hardened sugar to the cream and apple beneath.

Nutrition Notes

Michael Ash who is a Naturopath and clinical nutritionist with over 25 years experience, is a great believer in the healing power of apples. He regularly recommends stewed apples to his clients to help reduce inflammation and  improve digestion.




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