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Something a little different from our Izzy in 2019…….her words of wisdom………

January 08th, 2019


At the beginning of the year I tend to look for interesting ideas or different ways of expressing the way we may wish to approach the challenges of the coming year.  A couple of days ago I heard the expression “This isn’t flying: it’s falling with style” – a great line from the film Toy Story and spoken by Buzz Lightyear.


It made me think about the way we strive and what happens when it doesn’t quite go according to plan.  Can we accept that in some situations we aren’t quite as good as we thought?  And how do we move on from that feeling, that jolt to our confidence, and continue to drive ourselves?


There’s an interesting take on the Buzz Lightyear expression in the article below, which I found helpful to my thoughts on failure, success, perseverance and it also reminded me that when we pick ourselves up and have another go we are reinforcing our strength, learning and moving on.  Here’s the article:





Izzy Ixer is our Yoga tutor and coach at the centre.  As well as her yoga sessions Izzy also offers a unique combination of yoga to improve your physical and mental wellbeing and coaching to help you take your learning and strengths into your daily life.  Izzy helps  her clients to improve their home life, achieve success in sport, survive in the demanding world of work and she also supports those returning to work after a period away from the workplace.


Izzy says she simply wants people to be the best they can be in all aspects of their life!





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