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Victoria’s Oil for January 2019 – Cinnamon

January 07th, 2019

Even though the lovely Victoria is no longer practicing at the Centre, she will continue to instil us with her knowledge of “all things that are oils”, thanks so much Victoria…………….so, here we go!


“I love cinnamon, the powdered form we have in our kitchens, or the sticks we add to cooking. I love to use it in food, I put it on my toast
sometimes, just powdered on top of the butter, it can be added to coffee or sprinkled on hot chocolate and of course added into many


Cinnamon oil has a warm, spicy, comforting smell which many associate with Christmas. I often blend it with orange and frankincense, but it can be blended with any oil that you feel works with it, or just use it alone.


Cinnamon oil is considered to be useful as a digestive aid, an aphrodisiac, a stimulant, an antispasmodic and a good remedy for colds and flu.




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