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Victoria’s Oil for the Month of August – Caraway

August 02nd, 2018

Last night I made some bread and I added caraway seeds to the recipe.  Caraway seeds give a wonderful flavour and texture to bread.  It led me to thinking about the uses of Caraway as an oil and I thought I would find out and write about it for you.


Caraway Oil l is known as a galactogogue, this means that it can help to increase milk production for lactating mothers.  The suggested use would be to consume caraway essential oil with honey.  In turn this oil when taken from a mothers milk can help the baby with flatulence and indigestion.


Interestingly this oil is also wonderful for those who suffer from seasonal allergies or exhausting coughs.  Caraway is an anti-histamine and can be used to help neutralise the effects of histamine and allergies.


Caraway oil I excellent for all round heart health.  It can help to maintain a good heart rate, prevents hardening of the arteries and veins, lowers blood pressure and can also be used to lower the cholesterol level in the blood.  Using caraway regularly, whether as an oil or using the seeds in your cooking can help to maintain a healthy heart and healthy body.


There are many more uses for this wonderful oil, but sadly too many to share with you here. I will leave you to Google that if you are interested.


By Victoria Lily


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