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Victoria’s Oil for the Month of June – Camphor

June 12th, 2018

There is something very comforting about the smell of Camphor oil.  The smell of it clears the air and although it can smell quite medicinal, it is the nurturing smell of the old school nurses room where you might go if you have hurt your knee!!!


Camphor oil is considered to be a stimulant.  It can help with circulation, metabolism and digestion when used with a massage base oil.  A tummy massage with camphor oil can be very helpful if your digestion needs a boost.


Camphor is also an excellent disinfectant (hence the connection to the school nurse!!) and can be added to drinking water to disinfect it.  A very useful tip there.  Also, for you travellers and those prone to bug bites an open bottle of camphor or a cloth soaked in camphor will drive away insects and kill germs.


Camphor is an excellent local anaesthesia as it creates numbness in the area to which it has been applied.  It is also a calming oil and helpful with nervous disorders, anxiety and sometimes with epilepsy.


I could say a lot about Camphor as it is a wonderful oil, but I try to keep these information sections compact.  Wishing you a happy June and don’t forget your Camphor to deter insects and in your bath to cool you and relax you at the end of the day.


By Victoria Lily


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