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A glimpse into the life of one of our past therapists, Victoria Lily who now lives in Wales
April 22nd, 2020
Victoria Heather Lily, who is a Reflexologist, Massage Therapist and a lady of many talents, who worked at the WCHC for over 16 years……many of us still keep in contact with her, even though she now lives in Wales. Here’s what she has been up to during Lockdown and hoping to re-start her therapies with her clients at Dyfi Reflexology sometime soon…………..
I started working at WCHC in January 2002. I worked until December 2018, very happily.
Reflexology is the therapy I would choose, although I practice massage and reiki as well amongst general wellbeing support.
I find reflexology to reach where other therapies cannot reach!!! It is wonderful at balancing a whole person both emotionally and physically through positive touch.
I am not able to work at the moment, although am still supplying advice and support where requested. I have been tidying and organising my garden, including re-arranging the chicken run, planting fruit trees and starting off some vegetable seeds. I have also been doing more baking, and most importantly, I have been reading Paddington on You Tube most days to my Fairy Godchildren.❤️
My Lockdown cocktail would be a big jar of hot water with slices of lemon, sipped regularly. Very refreshing.
The thing that I miss the most is the excellent conversations and laughter with friends.
The first thing I would do when the lockdown is lifted is to go shopping in the local whole food shop and browse the shelves. At the moment they are doing a wonderful job of serving from the door, but I am looking forward to a good browse without having to plan ahead.
My words of wisdom are always…..these are my decisions, these are my mistakes and I’ll fall down again if that’s what it takes……from a Bluetones song. My other words of wisdom for this time would be take one day at a time, don’t look forward or back, just be in the moment and breathe.
My joke…..Donald Trump.
Made a stand to sell my eggs from!
Lockdown Nettle Beer
Homemade sourdough
My Lockdown cocktail!