Baddha Konasana – Bound Angle Pose
Great for releasing lower back tension and for easing sciatica, this seated pose is one you can return to again and again and see yourself slowly progressing!
- Improves flexibility in the lower back
- Improves flexibility in the hips
- Gently stretches the insides of the thighs, which helps in many other Yoga poses
- Takes time to develop the full version of the posture, so be patient!
How to do it
- Sit on the floor
- Ensure that your back is upright – you may find it helpful to lean against a wall
- Stretch your legs straight out in front of you
- You can place a blanket or yoga block under the back of your pelvis to help raise your hips a little – this will help if your hips or groin area are tight
- Breathe out, bend your knees, drop your knees outwards and pull your heels toward your pelvis
- Grasp your ankles with your hands and encourage the soles of your feet to come together
- Continue to relax your knees out to the sides so that they begin to drop towards the floor
- Keep pressing the soles of your feet together, maintaining your hold on your ankles
- Lengthen your breath out and try to allow the muscles on the insides of the legs to release and relax
Things to watch
- Keep your back as upright as you can
- Keep your shoulders relaxed
- Move gently and smoothly
- Focus on your breathing, extending the breath out as you remain in the posture
- Think about pressing the outside edges of your feet together as this encourages the sense of opening out the hips and extending the thighs
- Ease of the posture gently when you have finished
- Repeat 2 or 3 times
Link to more information:
Izzy Ixer
British Wheel of Yoga Dip Yoga Tutor and Coach
You can find out more about Izzy here and about yoga at the Centre here
Twitter @IzzyIxer or @IzzyYoga