My oil of the month for August is Lavender.
Now lavender is fabulous for many things including insomnia, headache relief and it’s worth keeping a bottle in the kitchen in case you burn yourself. Speaking of burns, this is why I have chosen Lavender for August. Yes, it’s potential sunburn season. If you get sunburned, just put a little apple cider vinegar (another wonderful thing to have in the house) onto a cold, wet flannel and dab the cloth onto your skin, soaking the skin. This should relieve the stinging. Next, add some drops of lavender oil to coconut oil, you could also add a couple of drops of peppermint oil. The lavender helps to heal the burn and the peppermint cools the skin and releases heat.
The best thing is not to get burned, but if you do now you have a wonderful smelling remedy for it.
Happy August.
Victoria Lily x
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To find out more about Victoria Lily visit her page here.