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Yoga as we emerge from lockdown
March 03rd, 2021
It has been a strange few months as we have experienced this period of very restricted social activity. I wonder if, like me, you are feeling a little like a caterpillar waiting to emerge from your cocoon! And if you’ve been keeping up with your yoga practice even just a little, perhaps you will emerge transformed, colourful and ready to fly! It’s certainly been a time for personal reflection and valuing the things which are immediately around us.
There have also been opportunities to take part in different activities and I’ve been catching up with some of my professional development with Catherine Annis and Richard Adamo, as well as joining in an online chanting group from an ashram in Wales.
Preparing to return to what we would have considered as normal, daily activities may need a bit of preparation. And starting yoga or getting back to your regular yoga sessions is a good way of beginning this process because:
· You’ll feel calmer and more focussed
· Your physical wellbeing will improve
· Your energy levels will increase
· Your sense of inner confidence grows
Many of my regular clients have been enjoying their yoga online with me and I’m sure the recent announcement by the government about the roadmap for coming out of lockdown has got us all interested in what this means for our face to face yoga!
The governing body for yoga, the British Wheel of Yoga, is looking at the guidance carefully and advising us on the timetable for resuming yoga and this is how it will work:
What can we resume?
Step 1 – confirmed by the British Wheel of Yoga
29 March
Exercise outdoors – Outdoor one to one yoga and outdoor group yoga*
*Rule of 6 applies to socialising before and after the sessions
Steps 2 and onwards – not confirmed by the British Wheel of Yoga
12 April
Personal services such as hairdressing resume
One to one yoga indoors
17 May
Indoor group exercise resumes
Indoor yoga classes
This looks like great news and let’s keep our fingers crossed that the planned dates work out!
I know many of you will want to get back to face to face yoga in April. For those of you who prefer the online experience I anticipate continuing to offer this for the foreseeable future. And if the weather in April and June is looking good, there’s yoga outside to enjoy. I’ve been doing my own outdoor yoga almost every day in fog, snow and drizzle over the past few months so hopefully we can look forward to brighter days!
It will be good to see my regular clients back at the centre and to welcome newcomers to yoga as well, so do get in touch with me or with the centre when you feel ready to come back and continue with your yoga!
Email izzy@bluepebblecoaching.co.uk
01473 625115