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Aromatherapy Oil of the Month – Angelica

August 22nd, 2017

Angelica was traditionally used for rituals, purification and to protect against the spreading of germs. It is called the ‘oil of angels’ and is considered to enrich and renew the body. Angelical supports winter wellness and vitality and improves energy levels, sounds like we all need some.

How to use Angelica

Angelica can be used as a compress, in the bath or through inhalation or in a diffuser. By inhaling Angelica oil, the lungs are supported.

Add one or two drops of Angelica oil to a base massage oil or in the bath and this will aid movement of the lymph. Using it like this can also support digestive function or detoxification.

As a use particular to women, apply two drops diluted in a carrier oil to a compress and use over the abdomen during your period.


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