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Victoria’s Oil for the Month of July – Cajuput

July 10th, 2018

Now I must admit, I have never used Cajuput oil so I will be learning alongside you here.


The most celebrated property of Cajuput oil is that it is excellent at fighting infections from bacterial illness, to virus, infectious diseases.  It can be externally applied to cuts and even wounds where a person has cut themselves on a rusty nail to protect against tetanus until a vaccine can be given.


Cajuput is another oil that has benefits when driving away insects.   A dilution of cajuput can be made and sprayed or vaporised to help drive away mosquitos, ants and other critters.


Cajuput has similar properties to Eucalyptus and one of these properties is that it is a very good decongestant and expectorant.  It gives immediate relief in congestion of the nose, throat and other respiratory organs.


Cajuput is used in a lot of cosmetics and antiseptic creams due to its ability to smooth and brighten the skin and keeping it free from skin infections.  It also tones the skin and is used as a general skin tonic.


Wow, another exceptional oil.  I love these essential oils, so many uses and so natural.





By Victoria Lily

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